Vienna Day 2! What qualifies as a labyrinth?

Today we had (mostly) all day plans to spend time at Schonbrunn, which is the palace where a lot of Austrian royalty lived, including two women that we have studied, Empress Elizabeth and Maria Theresia (I have a blog post on her!). It was really cool to be able to see where they lived their day to day lives, and learn more about them from the audio tour. There were so many beautiful rooms. I was obsessed with the all blue and white one.

Schonbrunn has absolutely gorgeous gardens so we got to go explore those and it was so so pretty. There was beautiful greenery, a super cool Neptune fountain, a zoo (which we didn't get to go in), and very pretty flowers. We ate our picnic lunches and then bought tickets to go to the labyrinth/park area. When I hear labyrinth I was thinking some Percy Jackson, Greek mythology type deal, but it was just a hedge maze haha. The maze took us a little bit to figure out until I remembered something that I read or heard somewhere about if you're in a maze, put your hand on the right wall and just follow it until you hit a dead end, and then you turn around and continue to follow the right wall. Idk if we just got lucky or if it is actually a life hack, but all I know is that it worked for this one! In the middle was a little platform in a tree so you could look over the maze and park. After we got back out of the maze, we wandered around the park area and found a spiral maze that wasn't really a maze. There was a little area with climbing poles that we all (unsuccessfully) tried to climb but it was still fun haha. We also found a seesaw and had a super fun time as college girls teeter tottering back and forth.

After we spent enough time there, we decided to head back to the hotel. It took us a while to get home, I'm not sure if we got lost or what but it felt like ages. I was tired and a little bit hangry, and then I was saved by Yami Noodles. Sienna had gone to this Chinese place the first night in Vienna, and she really liked it, so we headed there. It is run by one guy, and it takes a while because he makes everything fresh, but it was so. good. So so so good. I got chow mein and gyoza and it was so good I almost cried. Some of the best Chinese food I have ever had haha. I'm going to leave a 5 star review! So that was my night, and it ended well!


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