National Treasury - the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire


The Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire is housed in the Vienna Treasury. This crown was made in 962 BC, weighs over 7 pounds, is made of 22 karat gold, and is decorated with a variety of roughly cut gemstones. Most of these stones are sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, and pearls, all of which are absolutely stunning to see in person. The cross at the front is decorated with gem stones on the front, and then has a depiction of Christ on the cross on the back side. This is unique for its time because typically in the early and High Middle Ages people were more focused on Christ conquering death rather than His death itself. The arch on the top of the crown has a motto beaded with seed pearls that (translated into English) reads "Conrad by the grace of Gods/august Emperor of the Romans." 4 of the plates on the circlet itself are decorated with gemstones, while the other 4 depict images of kings/prophets of the Old Testament, and Christ.

This crown has been important historically and culturally for many reasons, but some of the most interesting ties that I found were to religion and the legitimacy that it lends to rulers in a monarchy. The crown's front and back plates are decorated with 12 stones. 12 is an important number in Christianity - 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, etc. This lends heavenly affirmation to a ruler's divine right to rule, identifying them as "a king and high priest who rules as Christ's substitute on Earth." The biblical figures depicted on the plates that I mentioned before also reaffirm this divine right of the ruler. In a broader cultural and historical sense, this crown is a representation of the unity of the Emperors that was found throughout the Holy Roman Empire and is a beautiful example of medieval craftsmanship.

This crown is a central part of European history and Vienna housing this wonderful artifact links them to that rich history. The entire treasury houses a wide variety of important historical and cultural pieces. In regards to cultural capitals, throughout history we can see the importance of having collections such as the ones in this treasury. Having a treasury shows wealth, and wealth is power. Countries and capitals may attain this wealth in many different ways. Conquest, trade, even being gifted these pieces as a symbol of gratitude or a political move. The end result is the same; economic legitimacy and the ability to have this show of wealth that shows you are a legitimate country and capital. There is a reason that these treasures are now on display for everyone to come see. Vienna wants people to see that they have rich history and the ability to preserve and protect these wonderful pieces that are a part of Europe's history.

Information from exhibit at the treasury!


  1. I love this post Lilly! The imperial history is so detailed and rich. I've found it really fascinating how the sort of royal history of Vienna has influenced it's culture today. Though monarchy has been abolished, it seems like their imperial history isn't something they shy away from. In many ways, they've embraced it into their culture. I wonder if this has aided to them being a cultural capital.

  2. perfect post from a perfect girl! There was so much to learn at the treasury that showed the rich history and the culture of Vienna. I agree, having a collection like this shows the wealth of Vienna and that there has been trade and conquest here throughout history! I'm so glad it has been preserved so that we could learn from it!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post Lilly!! I find it so impressive how many pieces are held here in Vienna, and how important they are to the city. These pieces came to them in so many other ways, but they find so much pride in them and show them off. I believe this is an example of how Vienna is a cultural capital because it shows the rich history of this city, their economic legitimacy, and their wealth. Great post!

  4. That crown looks good on you 👸🏼


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