I'm in love with Paris already

It was a long day and a half but very worth it! After a 6am flight, 10 hour layover in Seattle, and then 10 hour flight to Paris, we finally made it. Marie and I were extremely jet lagged (sleeping on the plane didn’t work out very well for either of us) and were very close to just going right to sleep (at 4pm) but we decided to go on a walk and re energize ourselves instead. We visited Jardin de Luxembourg with Sienna and Satchel and walked around the streets. Lots of paths to take and things to find here - and all of it is beautiful! We also had to stop at a little corner market to get some hand soap since there wasn't any in our room at the hostel. It was a good chance to test out my card though, and hooray it works! 

(click on the pictures to make the quality better)


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