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The Reichstag Building

The Reichstag is a historical building in Berlin that houses the legislative government of Germany. The Reichstag is built with dark grey stone and Renaissance style architecture, making the building itself awe inspiring, but the most eye catching part of the building is a glass dome in the middle (which the Berliners have nicknamed the contact lens). We had the opportunity to go inside the Reichstag, and walk into the contact lens itself! Walking in, you are surrounded by glass from ceiling to floor. In the middle of the dome is a large cone of mirrors that reflect you and your surroundings. You can look down at the building below you, or if you’re feeling adventurous, you can climb up the spiral ramp that leads to the very top center of the dome. From here, you can look out over the beautiful city of Berlin.   The Reichstag building has a very interesting past and has served many purposes throughout its lifetime. It has been remodeled and rebuilt since its first construction in the l

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